Thursday, November 13, 2008

#91 riding in a helicoptor

Thank you Randy and Amy!!! Ok, I kind of cheeted on this one. . .it was completed a couple months pre 101, but it was such a silly dream of mine I couldn't keep it off this monumental list.


SillyHille said...

when did you ride in a helicopter? Why have I NOT heard this story? Do tell!!

Jamie said...

It involved me opening my big mouth at the state fair this year. Your parents and I were miandering through the carnival rides which involved a helicopter, when I casually mentioned how I've always thought it would be fun. (as long as it wasn't involving a trip to the hospital.) Next thing I new, Randy and I had a birds I view of Hutchinson. Your parents are great!!!!

SillyHille said...

that is awesome-- and sounds just like my parents!! be careful what you ask for with them! :)