Monday, March 15, 2010

#12 Attend a weather spotting class

Tonight I went to my first storm spotting class. For reasons I can not explain, once I heard about these free informational classes for the community, it intrigued me. It definitely made me appreciate the intelligence of the weather men that used to annoy the piss out of me. I am not about to go sign up for the storm chaser crew, but I learned a few interesting facts on storms and weather that I can tuck back in the trivial knowledge file drawer in my brain to collect dust. I'd like to thank those storm chasers and weather men reading the radar for looking out for me and the community. Never underestimate the power of mother nature. :)


SillyHille said...

Oh my goodness- don't tell Brett! He kicked around the idea of a Meteorology major for a while. He would love a class like that!

Jamie said...

I can really see how a person can get into that. A lot of it is so interesting. Yet I'm afraid there are too many minute details that would bore me out of it as a career. I'll just provide job security for the meteorologists.